Google Search Tricks

10 Google Tricks That You Must Try Right Now!

Google Search has consistently evolved over the years. It’s the smartest search engine ever. And, that won’t be a hyperbole, will it?

You use it every day, but do know that there’s a funny side to Google? Yes, there is, and if you haven’t explored it yet, here are the 10 Google tricks that you must try right now:

  1. Do a barrel roll

    Ask your friend to go on Type “Do a barrel roll” and wait for the reaction. He/ she may tell you that there is some virus attack on their PC. As you search for – do a barrel roll, the Google page will roll like a barrel on your screen. The one who is unaware of this trick will surely get a panic attack.

  2. Askew

    Have you ever performed a magic trick? Now you can. Go to Search for Askew on it. Google home page will tilt as a picture tilts on the wall. Send this trick to your friend and enjoy the reaction.

  3. Atari Breakout

    If you are feeling bored, try this out and refresh yourself. Type ‘Atari breakout’ on the Google page and go to image search. You can also open directly and type – atari breakout – there.

    It will take you to a normal image page. You have to wait for a second. The page will convert into a gaming page. Now enjoy this game and de-stress yourself.

atari breakout - google image

  1. Gravity

    Gravity shows its effect on Google too. Want to know how?  Go to Type ‘Gravity’ on a search page, ignore auto-spell, and click on ‘I am feeling lucky’. You will see the whole page dropped down as if gravity pulled it. Try this out you will get the Eureka feeling.

  2. Party like it’s 1998

    Imagine! How Google was in 1998. A black and white image with some set of instructions will run in your mind. Now check, whether you were right or wrong. Type “Party like its 1998” on a fresh page of Google. A basic version of the Google page will load. You will notice a drop in internet speed. You don’t need to complain about your service provider because it is just a small trick.

  3. Zerg Rush

    Try this as a prank with your friends and tell them that you have hacked their system. As soon as you type Zerg Rush on Google page, your result will start disappearing from the screen. Alphabet on your screen will fall and disappear one by one. This is a must-try Google trick.

zerg rush

  1. Guitar

    Are you a music lover?. No need to buy a guitar. You can play it on Google. Open this guitar link on Google and play your favourite music.

  2. Recursion

    Befool someone with this trick and enjoy the reaction. Ask them to search recursion on A normal result will appear on your screen. Press “did you mean recursion” and they will be stuck in a loop.

  3. Shake it trick

    Open and type shake it trick on it. It will open youtube and start playing a song. You will see the youtube-icon shaking.

  4. Blink HTML

    Type blink HTML in Google search. You will get a blinking result.

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