double your Google Ads conversion rates

9 Effective Ways to Double Your Google Ads Conversion Rate

Every other goal becomes subordinate when the conversion rate doesn’t improve.

It is obvious to have anxieties when your Google Ads don’t convert after absorbing thousands of dollars. Your world may turn upside down or in the worst conditions, you may have to close your projects. I am not here to haunt you instead want to take you out of the dreadful pain.

First of all, you need to dig deep and figure out your campaign demands.

How appealing your ad copy is?

What CTR you use?

Do you have social proof in your ads or description?

Believe it or not, things rotate around the same concepts, what makes you different depends on your approach.

So, without wasting time let’s get started.

  1. Add social proof in your ad copy

Your ad copy may lack this factor. Having an eye-catchy ad copy is great, having social proof is even better.

Consider an ad of a digital watch with rating stars, reviews, and pinned locations.

What can you perceive out of this ad?

Reviews and ratings are a vital source of insights for searchers

pinned location proves authenticity

As e-commerce is a virtual world, people to explore the real side of your brand before they start trusting you. Hence, more number of reviews on your ads also have an impact. Searchers shift to ads that have many reviews with a great rating.

Maybe you just need this factor to boost up your clicks.

  1. Understanding potential customer and remarketing

One of the lucrative ways to convert is remarketing. Before that, you need to understand some points.

Can you predict the behavior of viewers in your ads? You can discover the same by embedding codes that can track the information of those who clicked your ads some time ago. What let them click it? Was it just the magic of ad copy, discount codes, authenticity, etc.  What I am trying to explain that analyze your copy keeping viewers in mind.

People may have come earlier but couldn’t take any action due to many factors. You need to decipher those factors.  Now remarket them with the improved quality and a bit of personalized effect.  See, how you removed their indecisiveness with this trick.

  1. Ethical stealing of customers

This may sound weird but this is a competition and you get to swim through it.

What does it mean?

I know that some of you are tired of listening to the same tips all over again because you already have applied them. Perhaps, you are missing out on targeting.

There could be a better way to target, i.e. competitor targeting. In your niche, there are many top brands among which you want to make a small space of yours. For this to come true start bidding on keywords having the brand’s name.

Technically, this is not stealing as you have a better offer for customers who may not afford those brands. Their satisfaction out of your service will let you grow by leaps and bounds.

  1. Alignment of landing page with ad copy

Ad copy and landing page share the cause-effect relation. As searcher clicks on the ad, they get on a page for further process. If they don’t speak the same language, you might see losses instead of growth. For instance, your ad is on acne problem but the landing page says about sunburn tips. Hence, they share a cause-effect relation. Due to a certain cause people click on your ad and landing page affects the sales.

  1. Ads delivering strategy

The reason you are on a digital platform to advertise your ads is targeting. If you don’t follow refined targeting, you probably don’t understand this game.

Your target must be to show ads to only those who desire it. How will you get to know about it? Through data, of course. Your product/service demands among particular location, gender, age, etc. decide your targeting specifications. Otherwise, you won’t be able to see many people in your conversion funnel.

  1. Hit and trial on landing page

Your ad copies are responsible for clicks but the credibility to retain it goes to a landing page. I have seen many ads that show the ad of earrings but on clicking, I’ll have necklaces and I am still searching those earrings. You don’t have to carry this blunder on your landing page.

Your landing page also wants some hit and trial, maybe it is not optimized or improvement in navigation. Content or even words used in click-through-action icons also impacts the performance. Often used words for CTA are learn more, Buy, Get, Know more, Shop, Join, etc. Phrases like click, purchase, discover have become obsolete, may not work that way now.

Hit and trial on other aspects like design, logo, color, etc. can also bring changes.

  1. Improve quality score

Do you want to improve the click-through rate and cost-cutting simultaneously? The formula for this -improve your quality score?

Ad rank = quality score * bid rate

As you can guess how your ad rank relates to quality score. Ad relevancy and user experience made the quality score, based on which search engine uplift your rank in the world of marketing.

Meaningful ads shown to targeted users is the key to ad relevancy.

If you are not aware of this concept, make sure you dive deep into it.

  1. Ad organization

If your ads campaign management area reflects clumsiness, you must take this as a loophole. Even a small hole can sink a ship, the same applies here.

If your ads are not organized that means you simply have put all keywords and a common landing page for all. Consequently, your ad will show up for unintended keywords and produce a wrong landing page. Doesn’t it sound messy to you? The scrap in your campaign is the potential runnier of your brand image.

Segregate keywords and plan different ads for them and yes also the relevant landing page.

  1. Make user-oriented strategies

A few things you must consider if you want to play with human psyche-

  • Align the matter of your content with user’s need
  • Test your ads placements
  • Use decoy pricing

A user is on your website not to read a literary piece but to seek solutions to associated problems. Tailoring of content with users intends can boost interest in them about your brand.

Similarly, testing on display ads is also a favorable task. You can use the volume of a searched keyword to drive traffic and leads.

Price decoy is another tool to play with psychology and that happens when you place products with contrasting prices, for instance, $150, $450, $250, users can find $250, a reasonable price.


So, here I told you all about cost-cutting to conversion tips, maybe not all but a few could bring change in your marketing life, even a small is appreciable for a kick.

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