How to Improve Your Webpage Speed or Load Time

How to Improve Your Webpage Speed or Load Time?

All coding and designing of a website will go in vain if it doesn’t load in time. In the world of digital era where our attention span has reduced, the user tends to abandon the website if it doesn’t load within 3 sec. The importance of speed has increased due to this behavior.

Its negligence will not only impact views but also ROI and conversions. Have a glance on data before making a perception-

  • page view will drop to 11% on 1 sec delay in page load time
  • There could be a decrease of 16% in customer satisfaction and loss of 7% in conversions.

On the contrary, a faster page can improve the user’s experience, decrease bounce rates, and increase conversions tremendously.

These are not the only consequences; it also impacts SEO and Google AdWords quality score because we bring users on the landing page of the website. You can imagine the irritation a user can feel while browsing your page.

How to measure the speed of your website?

Type URL of your site on-screen box and press analyze on Google’s PageSpeed Insights. Other tools like GT Matrix also work the same way.  Besides speed, it also reports on other aspects of the website and grades it from A to F.

Analyze your site speed and apply these tricks for further improvement-

  • Optimize Cache– Try to retrieve something from your memory; you will get a clear picture of it on recalling it for the second time. Cache optimization is a similar process.

It is a temporary storage of the content of a web page in a nearby location of the user. So the user will experience the faster loading time upon visiting the same website. This will avoid unnecessary requests from the main server every time.

The purpose of optimizing cache is faster delivery of content to make the user happy and satisfied.

  • Image optimization– It is good to have attractive images on your site especially on the product page (in case of e-commerce site). Except for the product page, other images don’t require high pixel. You can compress these images without compromising on quality by using Imageoptim, JPEGmini, etc.

Know More: How to Optimize Images for Search Engines?

  • Lazy loading– Lazy loading is useful when your website contains a significant number of images. It improves the performance of the website. Images will not load unless the user scrolls down to the location hence it is called asynchronous loading. Lazy loading reduces the page weight thus take less time to load.
  • Content delivery network– There is a distribution of servers across the world in the content delivery network. A copy of the websites is saved on these servers. So users can cut down the long geographical distance as they can access the same from the local servers. The result is faster delivery of the content.
  • Reduce redirects- redirects create additional HTTP requests, so it is advisable to keep minimum redirects though you can’t control some redirects related to Google analytics.
  • Improve server response time- Google says response time should be less than 200 milli second. Always invest in high-performance server and use reliable and fast web hosting.
  • Remove render blocking java script- if you add plugin javascript and CSS are added to the front end. This slows down the loading time drastically. Removing render-blocking javascript will help to reduce the loading time of your site. The same is recommended by Google also.
  • Enable compression- You could be one step ahead of your competitors if you enable compression. Smaller files tend to load faster hence improve the site speed.
  • Minify CSS Javascript and HTML- You can save a lot of space and time by minifying CSS javascript and HTML. For this you don’t need to be a developer or something. There are several online free tools like,

You don’t need to work on all the tips.  Start optimizing the most needed aspect. It could be image optimization if you have a lot of images or any other needed optimization.

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